About Us! Party Boxes!

Making parties easy for mums and dads  

"Mum!  Those were the best plates I've ever seen", said no kid EVER. 
Our parties focus on the part of the party that is most important, the games and activities.  We have selected, tested, trialed, and curated A LOT of games and activities to have chosen range that fit each theme, a range of ages, gender neutral, and most importantly, are the ones that make the kids laugh, keep them occupied, and get them learning.

Our boxes are filled with co-ordinated partyware and decor, bringing you an instagram-able party, that you can feel proud of.

These parties are ageless, gender-neutral, and expandable.  They can be used anywhere, at home, the park, or a venue.  

We are constantly evaluating, and learning, so please do drop us a line and let us know your feedback!  What themes you'd like to see next.  

We hope you love these boxes as much as the love gone into creating them.  

We want to help stressed out parents who spent most of the night up trying to finish the last details for their child's birthday party, to exhaustion and unable to sit down at the party, and to going to the supermarket and shops to pick up the last minute items you forgot to get earlier.  

Make parties easy! Open a box, follow the "how to" guide, one trip to the supermarket, and enjoy the day, laugh with your kids, and be able to talk with your guests.